The last time that I found myself at the cleverly expanded Peregrine Farm Stall (which in truth is a lot bigger than just a simple farm stall these days), I didn’t get around to doing a tasting at the Everson’s Cider pop-up tasting room.
This time around though, despite the allure of the wonderful Elgin Open Gardens weekend that was now in full swing (which led to a lot of new exploring for us mind you), I made the effort and was rewarded with some really good cider in return!
First things first though – I needed to bribe the girls with some softserve ice cream from Padkos Express first! (Yes, shamefully, that is a pie and coffee in the picture as well. It is unavoidable really – Peregrine’s pies are excellent!)
Thanks to the Elgin Open Gardens attracting away most of the crowd that one would usually find milling about the always popular Peregrine Farm Stall, the girls and I got to enjoy a slightly quieter than normal play area, and the girls lost no time in enjoying the tractors, swings and jungle gym to the fullest!
Happy that the girls were now quite content with life (and having fun at the same time), I sauntered over to the Everson’s Cider tasting room (which is a cleverly remodelled shipping container, courtesy of Rocketfuel), grabbed a stool and got to tasting their five cider varietals.
In general I rather enjoy ciders, and other than the mulled cider which I wasn’t particularly fond of, the original, cloudy and pear ciders (all made from local Elgin fruit) were all pretty good, whilst the pomegranate cider was certainly an interesting taste.
Of course, the girls were super interested in what I was doing and soon arrived to steal some of my complimentary crisps – essentially the only way that I could convince them to both run off and play again!
So all in all, a good experience and certainly an outing that both the girls and I got quite a bit of enjoyment out of!
Worth noting, but on the way home I decided to turn up one of the dirt roads and do some exploring around the ever shrinking rural bits of Gordon’s Bay – areas that most locals don’t even know still exist. The dirt roads lead to some interesting sights, including a beautiful example of classic Cape Dutch architecture, ornate gable and all! This though is not a picture of that house:
(By this stage, both girls were quite tired, not enjoying the bumpy dirt roads, and definitely not pleased with their dad that kept stopping the car to get out and take some photos!)
Anyway, back to the original subject of this post. Here is a handy map to Peregrine Farm Stall and therefore Everson’s Cider tasting room (open Wednesday to Sunday, 10am to 5pm):
Related Link: Everson’s Cider | Peregrine Farm Stall