At the end of every year, Instagram users all tend to start releasing their “Best Nine” post for that year, essentially a collage image featuring the top nine posts (in terms of likes) for that account.

Strangely enough, Instagram doesn’t actually offer this fun little feature as a native function within their app – meaning that you need to turn to other apps or websites to do the dirty work for you.

Now bear in mind, there are a few websites/apps that require you to authenticate or at least link your Instagram account in order to proceed (essential if you operate a private Instagram feed), but seeing as I don’t really want to trust any third party site unless I absolutely have to, I skipped all of those and headed straight over to the 2018 Best Nine website.

A quick enter of my Instagram handle (craiglotter), a little twiddling of the thumbs, and out popped a nice square collage, ready for sharing. Simple stuff.

(Bonus: If you are looking for an alternative, then Top Nine also does a pretty good job.)

Related Link: 2018 Best Nine | Top Nine