South Africa is far away from everywhere else. The United States is immense. These two facts combined means that my journey home following the conclusion of my US trip was certainly a long one. Having finished up with the NACAS C3X Expo in Phoenix, I caught a flight out from Phoenix Sky Harbour International Aiport to Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport where I switched planes to get to Dulles International Airport just outside Washington D.C. (technically, the airport is in Virginia). There I killed a long wait for my flight out of the United States with a visit to the nearby Steven F. Udvar Hazy Center Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Annex, before returning to finally board the lengthy SAA flight that would be winging me back home.
Touchwork had been kind enough to put me in business class for the journey back home, and seeing as this was my first time not being in economy class ever, I have to say, I rather enjoyed the experience. That extra leg room! That comfortable seat! No shared arm rest, and of course, the lounges! In short, it certainly made the trip home remarkably more comfortable than what it otherwise would have been!
The actual flight home was once again a broken up affair, with a mid journey refueling stop at Accra’s Kotoka International Airport, followed by our entry into South Africa via O.R. Tambo International Airport. Yet more lounging in the business lounge before the the final stretch, a late night flight into Cape Town International Airport where I eventually reunited with my family, home sweet home at last – though not quite in time (I missed it by a day!) to celebrate my 10 year wedding anniversary with Chantelle. And that’s… it. I managed to drag 35 posts out of my 2019 business slash sightseeing trip to the US, and honestly, it’s been quite fun to collate all the photos and memories for myself to look at again a little later in life. Hopefully you got a little out of them as well!
Side Note: It’s just a pity then that I took such a break from this site that it took me two years to actually get everything sorted out and posted! Sorry about that. 😅
Related Link: Phoenix Sky Harbour | O’Hare International | Dulles International | Kotoka International | O.R. Tambo International | Cape Town International | #USA2019