Following the launch of their great East West: South Africans Zabroad YouTube travel show, the husband and wife team of Retha and Miguel Sanchez have...
East West, the documentary style travel show that follows South Africans from all walks of life around globe and depicts their daily lives against the...
I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode from the East West team of Miguel and Retha, a web series showcasing South Africans living abroad. Pleasingly, the...
We discovered the beautiful Harold Porter Botanical Garden in Betty’s Bay last year, and following our delightful little outing to the Stony Point penguin colony...
Since the kids, Chantelle and I have probably visited the world class African Penguin breeding colony at the Stony Point Nature Reserve in Betty’s Bay...
As a toddler Jessica always admired these fun animal-themed rides found at various malls and shopping centres around the country from a safe and secure...
Some pictures Chantelle snapped during the big Retha, Chantelle and Jessica go to Nieuwoudtville and Loeriesfontein getaway weekend. And yes, it would appear that there...