The insanely catchy and fun opening theme by Puffy AmiYumi is back, heralding of course the return of the awesomely fun superheroes for kids television...
The final 13 episodes of what truly is an enjoyable animated series featuring everyone’s favourite vigilante dressed up as a bat, season 5 departs in...
After three very solid seasons before it, the hit animated television series featuring everyone’s favourite caped crusader is back, and this time around it brings...
The 1990’s produced one of the best animated television shows ever to grace the Silver Screen, namely Batman: The Animated Series, produced by legendary comic...
Absolutely fantastic animated television, keeping alive the awesome work laid out in seasons 1 and 2, and more importantly, bringing even more to the table...
Thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyable animated television series. Thanks to a fantastically engaging, overarching story that sees plenty of mysteries presenting themselves on the way and bringing...