Last Friday (not this one just passed!) Touchwork took some time off around 13:00 to all head out to the enjoyable upper-market Jakes restaurant in Steenberg, just around the corner from our offices. It was year-end celebration time, and of course this means a return to the whole Secret Santa setup, courtesy of Kim who always seems to enjoy the process so! :)

The 1st of December also marked the end of my third year as being a part of Touchwork, meaning I am now well and truly on my way to becoming a part of the furniture, being the longest serving full-time developer left on board, now that Dave has up and left us for greener pastures.

The whole team (which has undergone a significant swelling and then retraction over the last year) joined in for the fun, apart from poor Zac who was stranded out in England on a sales trip, right in the middle of a chilly winter fast encroaching, and more importantly the big municipal strike they were experiencing over there!

Anyway, we all squeezed in around a long table in the shaded outside court out back, and got to grips with plenty of small talk and jokes, before the whole Guess who Gave you What aspect of the Secret Santa fun. As it turned out, I was completely stumped by the gift that I received, a selection of exotic Camelthorn beers, and after running out of guesses, it was revealed that Zac had been my benefactor – I was the only one who was unable to guess correctly!

The food was absolutely divine, kicking off with a great tasting platter for starters, followed by a sumptuous steak, dripping in a Gorgonzola sauce. Dessert was their famous chocolate brownie selection.

The weather was great, the company excellent and in the end it was a long, relaxing day out for the team, something that was probably much needed considering the level of fatigue affecting everyone as the company hurtles towards the end of the year.

So thanks Rudi for a good way to cap off yet another jam-packed year as Touchwork slowly pulls itself up to the top! :)